Innovative Education
Rigorous curriculum that provides students with engaging, hands-on learning experiences that promote problem solving, critical thinking, and peer collaboration
Exemplary School
Performance in the top 10 percent of schools statewide with no underperforming student groups
PreK Program
Gold Circle of Quality PreK Program
Fiscal Responsibility
4th lowest operating expense per pupil in the entire state of Illinois and the highest financial profile designation of 'Recognition' for 19 consecutive years.
Dedicated Staff
Hire highly qualified, dedicated educators with a retention rate of 89% or higher
Focus on SEL
Strong focus on the social and emotional well-being of each child
Extra-curricular Academic Success
Finished in the top 2 at the Central Math Contest every year since 2018 Reigning Hardee's Scholar Bowl Tournament champions
History of Athletic Excellence
28 State Championships - 18 in volleyball, 6 in girls basketball, and 4 in boys basketball
In the Spotlight

19th Annual Bulldog Dash Diamond Sponsor
- Jansen Chevrolet

We would like to give the Germantown Kernel Nut Club a BIG shoutout for sponsoring the Student of the Month Program again this school year. In addition to the SOM Program, this year the KNC fully sponsored the House Program. Both programs greatly benefit the community children.

Delilah has been so hard working and is always eager to learn. She is a great friend to others and loves to lend a helping hand. Recently she taught our class the 3D shapes song and dance.
- Delilah L. ~ 1st Grade

Trent is always willing to help others, has a hard-working and positive attitude and always puts forth his best effort. At recess, Trent is a leader at recess and regularly plays games with younger kids.
- Trent R.~ 4th Grade