PTA Raffle

The PTA’s annual fundraiser will once again be a raffle.  Each family will be asked to sell 10 raffle tickets with each ticket costing $10.  The tickets will be sent home with the students the week of August 30.  Please be on the lookout for them.

Every Friday starting October 22 through May 6, a $100 winner will be drawn. On Friday, May 13, (2) $500 winners will be drawn.

All money raised through the raffle will be allocated to technology.  It is imperative to the financial well-being of the school district and benefits the students greatly.  Your help with selling tickets will be very much appreciated.

At this time, we are looking for businesses, and/or  individuals that are  interested in serving as a weekly sponsor for the $100 weekly drawings.   If interested in serving as a raffle sponsor, email Trisha Weekley at, call the school office at 523-4253, or send the sponsorship money to school in a sealed envelope.  Checks should be made payable to the Germantown PTA.  Thank you for considering.