Our amended 2021-22 school calendar has officially been approved, so we now have the green light to share important end of school year details with you.
March 31 - June 12
School supply kits will be available for sale. The district does not make money off of this sale. This is simply a service provided to interested families. Information will be emailed to families upon our return to school from Spring Break.
April 20, 21, and 26
The 5th and 8th grade students will take the Illinois Science Assessment.
Thursday, April 21
The Jazz Band/Chorus will perform at St. James Villas in Breese this afternoon.
Friday, April 22
The K-4 students will go on a field trip to Carlyle Lake today while the junior high students will participate in Earth Day activities at school and around the community.
The Bulldog Scholar Bowl Team will participate in the ROE #13 Scholar Bowl Tourney at City Hope Church in Centralia today.
Wednesday, May 4
A Spring Concert dress rehearsal will be held in the gym at 1:30 this afternoon.
An Athletic Awards Ceremony will be held in the gym at 6:00 for all athletes who participated in varsity level girls basketball, boys basketball, cheer, volleyball, and/or golf during the 2021-22 school year. The ceremony will consist of recognizing the varsity athletes on each team and the presentation of awards. Dinner will not be served.
Thursday, May 5
The Bulldog Band and Chorus will perform a Spring Concert in the gym starting at 6:30. Eighth grade members of the Music Department along with their parents will be recognized for their dedication to the Bulldog Music Program through the years.
Friday, May 6
Today is a School Improvement Day. School will dismiss at 11:40.
Monday, May 9
Kindergarten screening for all incoming kindergarten students will be held during the school day today.
Because our kindergarten teachers will be using the kindergarten classrooms to facilitate the screenings, school will not be in session for the current kindergarten class.
Wednesday, May 11
Today is Science Day. The 8th grade students will share their science experiments and knowledge with our PreK-7 classes.
Friday, May 13
This afternoon, all students that are registered for the Bulldog Dash will participate in a Fun Run/Walk.
Monday, May 16
Today will be Clean Up Day for the 8th grade students.
Tuesday, May 17
This will be the last day of school for the PreK and 8th grade students.
An Awards Ceremony will be held in the gym at 9:00 this morning for students in 4th-8th grades.
Eighth grade graduation practice will immediately follow the awards ceremony. The eighth grade students will be dismissed for the day after graduation practice. We anticipate the students being dismissed around 10:30.
The 8th grade graduation ceremony will be held in the gym starting at 7:00.
Wednesday, May 18
PreK students moving on to kindergarten will participate in a graduation ceremony in the gym. The ceremony will begin at 9:00.
Thursday, May 19
The eighth grade class will be heading to Holiday World today. The bus will leave school at 7:30 a.m. and return around 7:30 p.m.
Today is Clean Up Day for our kindergarten through 7th grade students.
Friday, May 20
This is the last day of school and Field Day for the kindergarten through 7th grade students. School will dismiss for the summer at 1:40.
Saturday, May 21 - Saturday, May 28
The 18th Annual Bulldog Dash 5K and 2K Virtual Run/Walk will be held this week. Complete the race at your pace anytime during Race Week. Click here to register.